Trade Union Facility Time for North Yorkshire County Council
In line with the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017, public sector employers must publish the following information on trade union facility... -
Fraud Information for North Yorkshire County Council
As part of the DCLG Local Government Transparency Code, Local authorities must publish the following information about their counter fraud work: number of occasions they use... -
Council Constitution for North Yorkshire Council
Councils are already required to make their Constitution available for inspection at their offices under Section 9P of the Local Government Act 2000. Under the Transparency Code... -
Adult Social Care Survey (ASCS)
Annual national survey conducted by Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities -
Risk of loneliness for those aged 65
Age UK Lower Super Output Area level rankings -
Survey of Adult Carers in England (SACE)
Bi-annual national survey of carers conducted by Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) -
Locality profiles
Infographic area profiles providing key facts and highlighting local issues at district and sub-district level, produced in 2015 and 2016. The profiles include information on... -
Fuel poverty
Estimates of households in fuel poverty and households not on the gas network at small area level -
Small area income estimates
Estimates of mean weekly household income and housing affordability at Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) level from the Office for National Satistics. -
Black and Minority Ethnic Groups in North Yorkshire
Report from the North Yorkshire Equality and Diversity Strategic Partnership - September 2016 -
North Yorkshire County Council Citizens Panel
The North Yorkshire County Council citizens' panel is a group of 2,000 North Yorkshire residents who share their views and ideas to help us understand local people's priorities.... -
Welfare reform
Research into the impact of welfare reform including changes to Housing Benefit, the 'bedroom tax', the benefit cap and reductions in Council Tax Support -
Indices of Deprivation 2015 Summary
Data on rankings at small area (LSOA) level from the Indices of Deprivation and Index of Mulitple Deprivation (IMD) which were produced by the DCLG