Right To Home? Rethinking homelessness in rural communities
Report from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) published in July 2017 highlighting issues of homelessness in rural areas -
Small area income estimates
Estimates of mean weekly household income and housing affordability at Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) level from the Office for National Satistics. -
Black and Minority Ethnic Groups in North Yorkshire
Report from the North Yorkshire Equality and Diversity Strategic Partnership - September 2016 -
Digital inclusion
Internet usage and digital inclusion statistics -
House price statistics
Small area and local authority level house price data -
Dementia prevalence statistics -
Child poverty
Children in families experiencing economic deprivation -
Statistics on homelessness and homeless families -
Bagby and Balk Parish Council
Minutes,Agenda's other important documents -
Director of Public Health Annual Report - 2017 Data Support Pack
Director of Public Health Annual Report Data Support Pack - 2017 -
historic - Live births
XLS DATA TO BE ARCHIVED - Numbers of live births from the Office for National Statistics -
Ethnic group
2011 Census ethnicity data, Data expiry: 2021. -
Crime in North Yorkshire and York 2014
There is no description for this dataset
Density of fast food outlets
Density of fast food outlets to population linking high density with areas of high deprivation -
Overton Parish Council
Contains all documents relating to the Parish Of Overton since January 2016. All previous documents are held in hard copy by the Parish Clerk. Parish Clerk Mrs Pat Jeffrey... -
Disability and limiting long-term illness statistics -
Sight loss data tool
Statistics on loss of sight and blindness at county and district levels including projections -
Insolvency Statistics
These statistics releases contain the latest data on company insolvency (companies which are unable to pay debts and enter liquidation, or enter administration or other company... -
Rough sleeping
Street counts and at district level estimates of rough sleeping -
Sport and recreation
Indicators of sport and recreation activities