Adult Social Care Survey (ASCS)
Annual national survey conducted by Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities -
Armed Forces and Ex-service Personnel
Statistics on numbers of military personnel and veterans by region and district and details of the pension and compensation recipients. -
Risk of loneliness for those aged 65
Age UK Lower Super Output Area level rankings -
Pupil attainment
Educational attainment statistics including Key Stage 1, 2, 3 and 4 -
Numbers of households including household projections -
Country of birth
Country of birth and nationality data -
Improving the local area
Survey results on improving the local area -
Looked-after children
Information on looked-after children -
Local area walking and cycling statistics
Local authority level data on walking a cycling among adults -
Old age dependency ratios
Change in ratio of working age to older age people at district level, projected over a 25 year period -
Teenage pregnancy
Under 18 conceptions data from the Office for National Statistics -
Households without central heating
Homes without no central heating -
2011 Census profiles
ONS 2011 Census of Population -
Health profiles
Health profiles at local authority level including general health, child health, alcohol and tobacco related health issues -
Road Safety - Reported Road Casualties in North Yorkshire
Statistical releases from 95 Alive, the York & North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership -
Fuel poverty
Estimates of households in fuel poverty and households not on the gas network at small area level -
Right To Home? Rethinking homelessness in rural communities
Report from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) published in July 2017 highlighting issues of homelessness in rural areas -
Small area income estimates
Estimates of mean weekly household income and housing affordability at Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) level from the Office for National Satistics. -
Black and Minority Ethnic Groups in North Yorkshire
Report from the North Yorkshire Equality and Diversity Strategic Partnership - September 2016 -
Digital inclusion
Internet usage and digital inclusion statistics