Director of Public Health Annual Report - 2016
Director of Public Health Annual Report - 2016 -
Disability and limiting long-term illness statistics -
Sight loss data tool
Statistics on loss of sight and blindness at county and district levels including projections -
Insolvency Statistics
These statistics releases contain the latest data on company insolvency (companies which are unable to pay debts and enter liquidation, or enter administration or other company... -
Rough sleeping
Street counts and at district level estimates of rough sleeping -
Sport and recreation
Indicators of sport and recreation activities -
Third Sector Trends study
Report on Third Sector organisations, funded by Joseph Rowntree Foundation, based on a survey of over 1,000 charities and people who regularly volunteer in Yorkshire. -
Welfare reform
Research into the impact of welfare reform including changes to Housing Benefit, the 'bedroom tax', the benefit cap and reductions in Council Tax Support -
Child Benefit
These statistics provide annual geographical estimates, at county, district, ward and LSOA level, of the number of families and children claiming Child Benefit in respect of the... -
Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance
Both Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance provide financial help for the care and mobility needs of disabled people. Attendance Allowance (AA) can be awarded to... -
Personal well-being
Estimates of personal well-being from the Annual Population Survey (APS) at district level on life satisfaction, feeling worthwhile, feeling happy and feeling anxious. -
Life expectancy - current figures
Health expectancies for both sexes at birth by upper tier local authority with confidence intervals and proportions of life with and without disability. -
International Migration
International migration statistics -
Overton Parish Meeting Accounts
Overton Parish Meeting Documents 2019 -
Ripley Parish Council
Please find your Parish Council’s agendas, minutes and accounts in this section. -
Waste and recycling
Nationally collected statistics on waste and recycling -
Back Pain in North Yorkshire
Prevelance of back pain in England and in North Yorkshire from Arthritis Research UK -
Late Invoice Payment Data (Annual)
There is no description for this dataset
North Yorkshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2018: Ryedale District Profile 2018
This profile provides an overview of health and social care needs in Ryedale District. This document is structured into four parts: population, wider determinants of health,... -
Exelby, Leeming and Londonderry Parish Council
Please find your Parish Council’s agendas, minutes and accounts in this section