Procurement Information for North Yorkshire Council
North Yorkshire Council maintains a Contract Register, the purpose of which is to record key details of all Contracts with an aggregate value of £25,000 or more (excluding those... -
North Yorkshire Council Public Rights of Way
Mapinfo .TAB and ESRI .SHP file map layers for public rights of way in North Yorkshire showing footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic (BOAT).... -
2024 - 2025 North Yorkshire Council - over £500 spend by quarter
The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 details the datasets that Local authorities should make available to the public. Datasets included in this section include:... -
Household Waste Recycling Centres
Location and Opening times -
Provision of unpaid care
Breakdown of unpaid carers from the 2011 Census -
Brownfield Land for Hambleton District Council
A shapefile and csv file with detail of brownfield land sites -
Road Traffic Counts
Department for Transport -
Local Plan Settlement Boundaries (Development Limits)
Development Limits (also known as Settlement Boundaries). Development limits drawn around settlements defined in planning policy have been used for many years to differentiate... -
North Yorkshire Landscape Character Assessment GIS Data
GIS layers in Mapinfo Tab, ESRI Shape and GeoJSON formats, for the different landscape character types in North Yorkshire. PLEASE NOTE - NORTH YORKSHIRE COUNCIL LANDSCAPE... -
North Yorkshire population summary
Overview of the most recent population estimates, projections Census information on the demographics of the County Link to ONS to gain further insight on the population in NY... -
Maps of North Yorkshire
Overview maps of the county of North Yorkshire -
York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority Mapping
Map showing York and North Yorkshire Authorities -
2023/24 Council Spending Information for North Yorkshire Council
The DCLG Local Government Transparency Code 2015 details the datasets that Local authorities should make available to the public. Datasets included in this section include:... -
North Yorkshire Sexual Health Needs Assessments
The sexual health needs assessment highlights that overall North Yorkshire has good sexual health outcomes compared to England, the Yorkshire and Humber Region and Chartered... -
Land and Assets within Craven District Council
Land and assets owned by the authority. -
North Yorkshire and York Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 2022-2025
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2015 North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board -
SPF Housing Stock Data Analysis Reports
In January 2023, the York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership on behalf of North Yorkshire County Council, funded through the North Yorkshire Shared Prosperity... -
Established Employment Sites in the Adopted Craven Local Plan 2012 - 2032
Established Employment Sites in the Adopted Craven Local Plan 2012 - 2032 -
Green Wedges within Craven District Council
Green Wedges are designated by Policy BE3 in the Adopted Craven Local Plan 2012 – 2032, they comprise the open areas around and between parts of settlements, which maintain the... -
Green Corridors within Craven District Council
Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities assessed via CDC Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities Assessment, and will therefore be protected by INF3.