Vacant dwellings
Statistics on vacant dwelling and empty homes -
Exclusions from school
Permanent and fixed-period exclusions -
Housing summary measures
An overview of the affordability and availability of home ownership and social renting at the local authority level in England and Wales, as well as the affordability of private... -
Masham Parish Council
Please find your Parish Council’s agendas, minutes and accounts in this section. -
Households in Poverty
Households in poverty estimates for middle layer super output areas from the Office for National Statistics -
North Yorkshire JSNA 2019 Profile
This profile provides an overview of the population health needs in North Yorkshire. Greater detail for the districts and CCGs in the county can be found in our Joint Strategic... -
Earnings Data by Area
Earnings data from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, ONS -
Internet usage
Statistics on usage of the internet in North Yorkshire -
2011 Census data on religious beliefs -
MSOA Boundary
Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) Boundaries -
Parking Information for North Yorkshire County Council
There is no description for this dataset
Number and proportion of employee jobs paid under the living wage
2014 data produced by the ONS -
Free Company Data Product
The Free Company Data Product is a downloadable data snapshot containing basic company data of live companies on the register. http://download.companieshouse.gov.uk/en_output.html -
North Yorkshire Libraries
Location and contact details for North Yorkshire Libraries -
Archaeology Data Service
The ADS Library brings together material from the British and Irish Archaeological Bibliography (BIAB), the ADS library of unpublished fieldwork reports as well as documents... -
Total and Percentage in Employment by Broad Industrial Group
The Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) publishes employee and employment estimates at detailed geographical and industrial levels and is regarded as the official... -
Superfast Broadband Coverage at Postcode Level, OFCOM 2014
Broadband Speed and Mobile Coverage at Postcode Sector Level -
Gross Disposable Household Income
Data showing the change over time of Household income by area -
Business Register and Employment Survey
The Business Register and Employment Survey publishes employee and employment estimates at detailed geographical and industrial levels. It is regarded as the definitive source... -
Civil partnerships
Civil partnership formations by year and sex