_id |
Contract Id |
Ref |
Name |
Description |
Manager |
Contract owner |
Start date |
End date |
Total value |
Status |
Categories |
Org No |
Supplier Name |
Supplier contract owner |
Contract number |
Call off Procedure |
Agreement type |
Published by: |
[Lots] |
Buyer |
[Initial contract period (months)] |
[Total option to extend (months)] |
[Total contract period (months)] |
[Available No. of Ext.] |
[Taken No. of Ext.] |
[Taken Extension details] |
[Awarded date] |
[Estimated annual value] |
[VAT not recovered] |
[Internal ID] |
[OJEU / FTS] |
[Open to other organisations] |
[Participating organisations] |
[Central purchasing body] |
Keywords |
[Suppliers] |
[Public notes] |
[Portal notes] |
[Company Registration Number] |
[Ultimate End Date] |
[Department] |
[SME] |
[VCSE] |
colspacer |
Contract Id |
Ref |
Name |
Description |
Manager |
Contract owner |
Start date |
End date |
Total value |
Status |
Categories |
Org No |
Supplier Name |
Supplier contract owner |
Contract number |
Call off Procedure |
Agreement type |
Published by: |
[Lots] |
Buyer |
[Initial contract period (months)] |
[Total option to extend (months)] |
[Total contract period (months)] |
[Available No. of Ext.] |
[Taken No. of Ext.] |
[Taken Extension details] |
[Awarded date] |
[Estimated annual value] |
[VAT not recovered] |
[Internal ID] |
[OJEU / FTS] |
[Open to other organisations] |
[Participating organisations] |
[Central purchasing body] |
Keywords |
[Suppliers] |
[Public notes] |
[Portal notes] |
[Company Registration Number] |
[Ultimate End Date] |
[Department] |
[SME] |
[VCSE] |
Data last updated: April 9, 2024, 12:46 (UTC)
Metadata last updated: January 14, 2025, 16:48 (UTC)
Created: April 9, 2024, 12:46 (UTC)
XLS ( 242.1k )