North Yorkshire Council Public Rights of Way
Mapinfo .TAB and ESRI .SHP file map layers for public rights of way in North Yorkshire showing footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic (BOAT).... -
Maps of North Yorkshire
Overview maps of the county of North Yorkshire -
Local Insight
Local Insight gives you the latest data and analysis for your communities and services, with up-to-date open data matched to the areas you work in. -
Locality profiles
Infographic area profiles providing key facts and highlighting local issues at district and sub-district level, produced in 2015 and 2016. The profiles include information on... -
Indices of Deprivation 2015 Summary
Data on rankings at small area (LSOA) level from the Indices of Deprivation and Index of Mulitple Deprivation (IMD) which were produced by the DCLG