Primary Care Network Profiles 2020
Public health briefing papers for the primary care networks (PCN's) in North Yorkshire. These profile draw primarily on routine sources of data, including Public Health... -
Selby District Equity Audit
Many partners within the local community, healthcare and civic sectors point to their longstanding experience and observation of significant deprivation and poor health outcomes... -
Health profiles
Health profiles at local authority level including general health, child health, alcohol and tobacco related health issues -
Locality profiles
Infographic area profiles providing key facts and highlighting local issues at district and sub-district level, produced in 2015 and 2016. The profiles include information on... -
Dementia prevalence statistics -
Sport and recreation
Indicators of sport and recreation activities -
Back Pain in North Yorkshire
Prevelance of back pain in England and in North Yorkshire from Arthritis Research UK -
Carer's Strategy 2016
Carer's strategy - Evidence Review 2016