Rough sleeping
Street counts and at district level estimates of rough sleeping -
Sport and recreation
Indicators of sport and recreation activities -
Life expectancy - current figures
Health expectancies for both sexes at birth by upper tier local authority with confidence intervals and proportions of life with and without disability. -
Back Pain in North Yorkshire
Prevelance of back pain in England and in North Yorkshire from Arthritis Research UK -
North Yorkshire JSNA 2019, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven CCG Profile
This profile provides an overview of population health needs in Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven CCG (AWC CCG). This document is structured into five parts: population,... -
NHS Health Check Report, North Yorkshire
The purpose of this report is to highlight NHS Health Check performance in North Yorkshire. The report shows NHS Health Checks performance during 2017-18 from the data submitted... -
Indices of Deprivation 2015 Summary
Data on rankings at small area (LSOA) level from the Indices of Deprivation and Index of Mulitple Deprivation (IMD) which were produced by the DCLG -
Director of Public Heath Annual Report - 2015
To access the report please click on the link above -
Carer's Strategy 2016
Carer's strategy - Evidence Review 2016