Household Waste Recycling Centres
Location and Opening times -
Provision of unpaid care
Breakdown of unpaid carers from the 2011 Census -
Road Traffic Counts
Department for Transport -
North Yorkshire population summary
Overview of the most recent population estimates, projections Census information on the demographics of the County Link to ONS to gain further insight on the population in NY... -
North Yorkshire Sexual Health Needs Assessments
The sexual health needs assessment highlights that overall North Yorkshire has good sexual health outcomes compared to England, the Yorkshire and Humber Region and Chartered... -
North Yorkshire and York Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 2022-2025
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2015 North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board -
Local Authority Land and Assets for North Yorkshire County Council
https://northyorks.concerto.co.uk/content/site_public_page.aspx - This link gives access to the most up-to-date real time information held on the North Yorkshire Asset Register.... -
Primary Care Network Profiles 2020
Public health briefing papers for the primary care networks (PCN's) in North Yorkshire. These profile draw primarily on routine sources of data, including Public Health... -
North Yorkshire CCG profile 2020
This profile provides an overview of population health needs in North Yorkshire CCG. It identifies the major themes, which affect health in North Yorkshire CCG, and presents the... -
Vale of York CCG profile 2020
This profile provides an overview of population health needs in Vale of York CCG. This document is structured into five parts: population, deprivation, disease prevalence,... -
Bradford and Craven CCG profile 2020
This profile provides an overview of population health needs in Bradford and Craven CCG. This document is structured into five parts: population, deprivation, disease... -
Numbers of deaths from the Office for National Statistics -
Fuel poverty - households not on gas network
LSOA level DECC estimates for the number of households without mains gas -
Vacant dwellings
Statistics on vacant dwelling and empty homes -
Exclusions from school
Permanent and fixed-period exclusions -
Housing summary measures
An overview of the affordability and availability of home ownership and social renting at the local authority level in England and Wales, as well as the affordability of private... -
Households in Poverty
Households in poverty estimates for middle layer super output areas from the Office for National Statistics -
North Yorkshire JSNA 2019 Profile
This profile provides an overview of the population health needs in North Yorkshire. Greater detail for the districts and CCGs in the county can be found in our Joint Strategic... -
Earnings Data by Area
Earnings data from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, ONS -
Internet usage
Statistics on usage of the internet in North Yorkshire