Housing and Heating Benefits
Dataset Description
List of Resources for this Dataset
Social Fund Cold Weather paymentsHTML
Estimated number of eligible recipients of Social Fund Cold Weather Payments...
Discretionary Housing PaymentsHTML
Statistics on local authorities' use of Discretionary Housing Payment funds.
Discretionary Housing Payments statisticsHTML
Statistics on local authorities' use of Discretionary Housing Payment funds.
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit statisticsHTML
Statistics on Housing Benefit including the numbers receiving it and the...
Housing Benefit caseload statisticsHTML
Statistics on numbers of Housing Benefit claimants.
Housing Benefit: entitlement reductions statistics HTML
Statistics and background information on Housing Benefit entitlement...
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit flows...HTML
Experimental Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit flows data.
Housing Benefit: debt recoveries and fraud data HTML
Statistics on Housing Benefit fraud volumes and incorrectly overpaid benefit...
Housing Benefit: statistics on speed of processing HTML
Winter Fuel Payment statisticsHTML
Winter Fuel Payment statistics, covering recipient and household data as well...
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Source | http://research.dwp.gov.uk/asd/index.php?page=hbctb |
Author | Data & Intelligence Team |
Maintainer | Data & Intelligence Team |
Last Updated | July 1, 2019, 09:56 (UTC) |
Created | June 10, 2016, 09:53 (UTC) |
managing_users | chris-dickinson-5704 |