Job Density
The number of jobs in an area divided by the resident population aged 16-64 in that area. For example, a job density of 1.0 would mean that there is one job for every resident aged 16-64.
The total number of jobs is a workplace-based measure and comprises employee jobs, self-employed, government-supported trainees and HM Forces.
An article in the August 2003 issue of Labour Market Trends gives information about the methodology and background to the development of this indicator. Note that since the article was written the resident population used as the divisor has changed from the old working-age base (16-59f/64m) to the new aged 16-64 base.
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Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | July 4, 2019 |
Metadata last updated | July 4, 2019 |
Created | July 4, 2019 |
Format | HTML |
License | UK Open Government Licence (OGL) |
Datastore active | False |
Datastore contains all records of source file | False |
Has views | False |
Id | 881e0ec2-479f-4d7a-8d15-05c1ac9003af |
Package id | 25a3c702-3f53-4a84-95e1-e00e79d0375d |
Position | 0 |
Resource expiry date | 2028-03-01 |
Resource review date | 2024-03-01 |
State | active |