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NHS England Clinical Commissioning Group and Local Authority Information Packs

Dataset Description

NHS England's information packs at Local Authority and CCG level that set out key data to inform the local position on outcomes. The Local Authority packs present high-level comparative information on the NHS, the Adult Social Care and the Public Health frameworks. The CCG level packs provide a more detailed analysis of NHS outcomes and other relevant indicators.

The purpose of these is to provide CCGs and Heath and Wellbeing (HWB) partners with a quick and easy-to-use summary of their current position on outcomes as they take up their role, building on the data sets in the CCG outcomes indicators and other existing data sets. The information should be used alongside the local intelligence being collected to inform local Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and it will support commissioners working together to set the priorities for the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

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Author Data & Intelligence Team
Maintainer Data & Intelligence Team
Last Updated December 10, 2024, 21:09 (UTC)
Created January 6, 2015, 10:19 (UTC)