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North Yorkshire Drugs Needs Assessment - Jan 2023

Dataset Description

The impact of illicit drugs is far reaching, affecting the life outcomes of individuals, family members, and wider communities. Various health and social issues including socioeconomic deprivation, mental and physical health problems, stigma, trauma and homelessness may predispose people to and be exacerbated by harmful patterns of drug use. There are strong links between illicit drugs and health inequalities and poverty. Illicit drug misuse is a significant risk factor for a number of acute and chronic health conditions, reduced life expectancy, lower quality of life, and a range of social and economic issues such as unemployment, homelessness, exposure to criminal activity, violence, and modern slavery. Illicit drug misuse is associated with cyclical exploitation i.e., exploited individuals recruiting and targeting other vulnerable people.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author Public Health
Maintainer Data and Intelligence
Last Updated February 7, 2023, 12:45 (UTC)
Created February 1, 2023, 10:13 (UTC)