Organisation Chart for North Yorkshire Council
As part of the DCLG Local Government Transparency Code 2015, Local Authorities are required to publish the following data sets relating to Organisation Information. -
Salary Information for North Yorkshire Council
As part of the DCLG Local Government Transparency Code 2015, Local Authorities are required to publish the following data sets relating to the salaries of senior management.... -
Fraud Information for North Yorkshire Council
The Transparency Code 2015 requires local authorities to publish the following information about their counter fraud work: Number of occasions they use powers under the... -
2023/24 Council Spending Information for North Yorkshire Council
The DCLG Local Government Transparency Code 2015 details the datasets that Local authorities should make available to the public. Datasets included in this section include:... -
Land and Assets within Craven District Council
Land and assets owned by the authority. -
Social Housing Asset Value for North Yorkshire Council
The value of social housing within the council area must be published in line with The Transparency Regulations 2015. This information will be available May 2024 -
2023/24 Procurement Card Transactions for North Yorkshire Council
North Yorkshire Council has an obligation to release any Government Procurement Card Transactions that have taken place under the Transparency Code 2015. -
Council Constitution for North Yorkshire Council
Councils are already required to make their Constitution available for inspection at their offices under Section 9P of the Local Government Act 2000. Under the Transparency Code... -
Pay Multiples for North Yorkshire Council
Local authorities are required to publish data relating to pay multiples in line with the Transparency Code 2015 This data will be published in June 2024. -
Salary Information for North Yorkshire County Council
As part of the DCLG Local Government Transparency Code 2015, Local Authorities are required to publish the following data sets relating to Organisation and Salary Information.... -
Local Authority Land and Assets for North Yorkshire Council
https://northyorks.concerto.co.uk/content/site_public_page.aspx - This link gives access to the most up-to-date real time information held on the North Yorkshire Asset Register.... -
Statement of Accounts for Hambleton District Council
The Statement of Accounts is the statutory summary of the council's financial affairs for the financial year and is prepared in accordance with the 'Code of Practice on Local... -
Social Housing Asset Value for Harrogate Borough Council
The value of social housing within the council area must be published in line with The Transparency Regulations 2015. -
Organisation Information for Harrogate Borough Council
As part of the DCLG Local Government Transparency Code 2015, Local Authorities are required to publish the following data sets relating to Organisation Information: CEO &... -
Freedom of information requests and open data
Making a freedom of information request https://myaccount.northyorks.gov.uk/foi/request If the information you are requesting is not available already, and relates to one of our... -
Local Authority Land and Assets for Hambleton District Council
Local authorities are required to publish details of their land and building assets. -
Parking Information for Hambleton District Council
The Transparency Code 2015 requires local authorities to publish information about their parking account and parking spaces including; a breakdown of income and expenditure on... -
Organisation Chart for Scarborough Borough Council
As part of the DCLG Local Government Transparency Code 2015, Local Authorities are required to publish the following data sets relating to Organisation Information. -
Council Constitution for Scarborough Borough Council
Councils are already required to make their Constitution available for inspection at their offices under Section 9P of the Local Government Act 2000. Under the Transparency Code... -
Organisation and Salary Information for Craven District Council
As part of the DCLG Local Government Transparency Code 2015, Local Authorities are required to publish the following data sets relating to Organisation Information: CEO &...