Trade Union Facility Time for North Yorkshire County Council
In line with the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017, public sector employers must publish the following information on trade union facility... -
NHS England Clinical Commissioning Group and Local Authority Information Packs
NHS England's information packs at Local Authority and CCG level that set out key data to inform the local position on outcomes. The Local Authority packs present high-level... -
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
Resources, reports, profiles and data relating to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for North Yorkshire. -
Fraud Information for North Yorkshire County Council
As part of the DCLG Local Government Transparency Code, Local authorities must publish the following information about their counter fraud work: number of occasions they use... -
historic - Population projections
TO BE ARCHIVED SOON - Population projections for North Yorkshire including age and sex breakdowns -
North Yorkshire population summary
Overview of the most recent population estimates, projections Census information on the demographics of the County Link to ONS to gain further insight on the population in NY... -
North Yorkshire Sexual Health Needs Assessments
The sexual health needs assessment highlights that overall North Yorkshire has good sexual health outcomes compared to England, the Yorkshire and Humber Region and Chartered... -
North Yorkshire and York Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 2022-2025
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2015 North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board -
Salary Information for North Yorkshire County Council
As part of the DCLG Local Government Transparency Code 2015, Local Authorities are required to publish the following data sets relating to Organisation and Salary Information.... -
Historic - County and district local insight population reports
Historic - Local insights report for North Yorkshire, Craven District, Hambleton District, Harrogate Borough, Richmondshire District, Ryedale District, Scarborough Borough,... -
Statement of Financial Accounts for North Yorkshire County Council
The Statement of Accounts sets out how the money was spent and raised throughout the year. It also shows a year-end balance sheet that summarises the value of all our assets and... -
North Yorkshire Drugs Needs Assessment - Jan 2023
The impact of illicit drugs is far reaching, affecting the life outcomes of individuals, family members, and wider communities. Various health and social issues including... -
Director of Public Health Annual Report - 2019
Director of Public Health Annual Report - 2019 -
Organisation Information for North Yorkshire County Council
As part of the DCLG Local Government Transparency Code 2015, Local Authorities are required to publish the following data sets relating to Organisation Information. Organsiation... -
North Yorkshire and York Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 2015 -18
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2015 North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board -
North Yorkshire and York Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 2011
North Yorkshire and York Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2011 -
Public Health District Profiles 2021
These profile's provide an overview of population health needs within the district's of North Yorkshire. Greater detail on particular topics can be found in our Joint Strategic... -
JSNA - Learning Disabilities in North Yorkshire (All Ages) 2021
People with learning disabilities (LD) are some of the most vulnerable in society, experiencing health inequalities, social exclusion and stigmatisation. In general, people with... -
Council Constitution for North Yorkshire Council
Councils are already required to make their Constitution available for inspection at their offices under Section 9P of the Local Government Act 2000. Under the Transparency Code... -
Local Authority Parking Information
As part of the DCLG Local Government Transparency Code 2015, Local Authroities should publish the following car parking related datsets annually. a breakdown of income and...