Road Safety Data - North Yorkshire Highways Authority
There is no description for this dataset
Trade Union Facility Time for Ryedale District Council
The Transparency Code 2015 requires local authorities to publish information on trade union facility time (TUFT) including: Number of staff who are union representatives Number... -
Land and Asset Information for North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
As we have provided you with the data in a reusable format (Excel and .csv file), you may use and re-use the information featured (not including logos and photographs) free of... -
Burneston, Swainby with Allerthorpe and Theakston Parish Council
Please find your Parish Council’s agendas, minutes and accounts in this section -
historic - Population projections
TO BE ARCHIVED SOON - Population projections for North Yorkshire including age and sex breakdowns -
Brownfield Land for Hambleton District Council
A shapefile and csv file with detail of brownfield land sites -
Road Traffic Counts
Department for Transport -
Salt Bins
Where is your nearest Salt Bin? Find out here -
York and North Yorkshire - Crime and ASB Data - 2023
Crime and anti-social behaviour data from North Yorkshire Police http://data.police.uk/data/ or viewable here using the download option -
Business Rates
Data sets relating to Business Rates For more information : https://www.gov.uk/introduction-to-business-rates The data itself comprises the following information relating to... -
North Yorkshire Council Public Rights of Way
Mapinfo .TAB and ESRI .SHP file map layers for public rights of way in North Yorkshire showing footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic (BOAT).... -
Grosmont Parish Council
Please find your Parish Council’s agendas, minutes and accounts in this section. -
Thornton-Le-Moor and Thornton-Le-Street Parish Council
Agenda's and Minutes for Thornton-Le-Moor and Thornton-Le-Street Parish Council -
2024/2025 Brimhams Active spending
There is no description for this dataset
Maunby, Newby Wiske and South Otterington Parish Council
There is no description for this dataset
Thornton-Le-Beans with Crosby and Cotcliffe Parish Council
Minutes Annual Meeting May 2024 -
Local Plan Settlement Boundaries (Development Limits)
Development Limits (also known as Settlement Boundaries). Development limits drawn around settlements defined in planning policy have been used for many years to differentiate... -
Egton Parish Council
Please find your Parish Council’s agendas, minutes and accounts in this section. -
agenda and minutes from meeting held on 6/08/2024
There is no description for this dataset
2024 - 2025 North Yorkshire Council - over £500 spend by quarter
The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 details the datasets that Local authorities should make available to the public. Datasets included in this section include:...